Sunday, November 15, 2015

Dordt College Social Media For Teachers: Module 3 Reflection


For a nice overview of connectivism, watch this YouTube video.

For my first reactions to connectivism, read on. Know that they are my first reactions, and I am always learning about what it is and how it looks!

To me, the idea of connectivism makes a lot of sense. When I do not know the answer to something or a problem arises that I have not experienced before, I will immediately do a google search. Watching the video above showed some of the same experiences that I have when online. I will read an article, see comments, click on another link within the article, watch a video on that new site. Before I know it, I have gone to 4 different places to learn more information on a certain topic. It is something that comes natural to me when learning about something new. Connectivism, to me, seems like an individual way of constructivism. A person is interacting with ideas to learn more about it. It is self paced and self motivated.

Now...does that make it a learning theory? If a learning theory describes how information is learned or absorbed, then I would have to say yes, it is. So what would be better ways to make this connectivism learning theory work better? The person who is searching needs to be more conscious that it is a time where learning is going to happen. Don't just get connected to quick learn the answer and then jump out, devote the time you are using when connected to make it stick so that the next time you do not have to do the same thing again to learn it.

For educators, connectivism is a key aspect of ongoing learning. With all the information out there. Conscious steps need to be taken in order to connect with the right sources and people. The social media tool I looked at this week, Periscope, is an interesting one in light of connecting parents/community members with what is going on in school, but I am not so sure it is a great one for teachers to develop ongoing professional learning. Again, I would need to explore Periscope more as well to find out if this is true, but as far as information sharing and learning more about a specific topic, I do not see it as being a "go-to" to get connected.

1 comment:

  1. I was excited to see an overlap between your comments, my own and the others in this class. I also like how you said there needs to be "conscious steps taken in order to connect with the right sources and people." Great post!
