Monday, June 20, 2016

Why Have An Academic Career?

This post is a post from a discussion forum in one of my graduate classes for Dordt College's School Leadership program. This post is from EDUC 503: Interpreting Educational Research.

Please choose one of what you consider [Marsden's] "essential questions" from the Introduction. Copy one of his essential questions that captures your interest (add the reference material) and type a 2-3 paragraph response. In other words, pretend we are sitting in a Tim Horton's (Coffee shop chain in Canada) together talking about what we think this book will be about and our quick reflections on some of his questions.

What is the point of an academic career? (pg. 4, 2nd full paragraph)

This question addressed by Marsden brings up a great point in light of the topic the book will cover, namely the relationship of faith and learning. Personally, I can say I have truly enjoyed taking the classes through Dordt's Masters program. It has shown me where a passion of mine is and allowed me to grow tremendously! There are strengths and passions inside each person and feeding those passions is key in order to grow into who each of us was created to be. This question also reminded me of a sermon series our church recently went through based on John Ortberg's book "The Me I Want to Be." In the book, John states:

"Research shows (we are in a class about research anyway right :) ) that the best moments of our lives don't come from leisure or pleasure...they come when we are totally immersed in a significant task that is challenging, yet matches to our highest ability...People experience it far more in their work than they do in their leisure."

An academic career allows us to pursue the passions God has put inside each of us and in order to continually improve and gain the newest insights. Through further studying, we can learn more about ourselves and gain a greater appreciation of God and his creation. Putting these two together allows each of us to see how we can fulfill the roles God has currently placed us in and is preparing us for. For example, those interested in science gain a very deep appreciation of the workings of creation, people involved in literature are able to exemplify the characteristic of story that God has shown to us and given to us, and those passionate about school leadership will help continue to move the school towards the mission it strives to do!

Study on!

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