Friday, October 30, 2015

Social Media For Teachers: Module 1 Reflection

Module 1: What Is Social Media?

3 things I learned:

  1. How to upload a video to YouTube! I use YouTube often for viewing videos, but I have never made a video myself to upload on the site. I have recorded videos of myself speaking to send to others, but never had it up on YouTube. Once you get past the fact that you are talking to a device with no one actually listening, its not so bad :)
  2. Stick with a blog post. I have had this blog site for a while, but do not always use it. I actually have a few things written that are still "drafts" and not published. I enjoy reflecting, but do not always put in all the effort to get the post finalized. So it feels good to get this one done and through doing this class I will be able to form more of a habit of posting....hopefully.
  3. Fill up Twitter with people who you would like to stay connected with. I don't think it is bad to follow a bunch of people on Twitter. Obviously, you cannot read every word of every tweet and article posted, but by following people, you set yourself up for success and learning.

2 things that were confirmed:

  1. The importance of a Personal Learning Network, PLN. Staying connected with people, both face-to-face and online, are important to keep up in order to continue growing as a person.
  2. Being in this class was a good idea! This class will open up new ways of connecting with people and sharing ideas.

1 question I have:

  1. Is it possible to be connected with too many people? The more quality connections a person makes, the more time and effort that is needed to invest and keep up those connections. 


  1. Tyler, I too wonder if it's possible to be connected to too many people. All the good advice from those people could take hours to read and process. I am hoping this class will show some great tips how to manage this.

  2. I also paused at your comment about the quality vs. quantity of online connections. While I love reading tweets, blogs and articles by other educators it can be very hard to maintain a continual connection when schedules get busy, like this week full of school conferences. I suppose what I need to learn is that time taking time for myself to grow as an educator is worthy of my time and I need to make room for that. Some thought provoking ideas in your post!

  3. I agree that connecting with other people is important for personal growth, in all aspects on one's life-spiritual, professional and personal. I agree with the statement you made in your question-that the more people one connects with, the more time and energy is required. I suppose it's like a relationship with friends-the intensity and frequency of the interactions varies from friend to friend, and likely it will be the same with our on-line connections.
