As a teacher, this kind of scared
me. We have 1:1 iPads with the middle school students where I teach. Students
are on their iPads often and more than often, they are on them at unnecessary
times. (Hard to believe for middle school students huh? J) I need to evaluate the way I
have them use their iPad so they are not just skipping from one app to another,
but also actually learning one thing after another.
After having those thoughts about
my students as I was reading the book, I sat there and stared in front of me
and had my own realization. I had by book in front of me with my laptop on my
lap, iPad on one arm of my recliner and phone on the other arm. There I was,
surrounded by technology and setting myself up for distraction that came my
way. I realized that I often have all of these right next to me when I don’t
really need to have them next to me. Granted I do not have a smartphone, but a
text or call could still come in at anytime and take me away from whatever task
I am currently doing. When planning lessons for school or writing a paper for
class, the scene usually looks like was described above. I have all these
devices next to me and am always moving from one to another. I get my work
done, but is it the quality of work that it would normally be? Most likely not.
Actually, definitely not. I made the decision to make some technology changes
in my life and I hope they will allow me to have some more free time to be more
thorough with school and have more time to read and reflect.
I received a book for Christmas, Crazy Love by Francis Chan, that I am now
currently reading. After reading the first chapter, I decided to start writing
about each of the chapters I read. I am going to take to heart what I read in
the other book in making sure I take time to stop and reflect on what I am
reading. Initially I was going to just write these on a document on my laptop,
but a friend of mine and fellow educator recently urged teachers to start a
blog. So here it is. It is crazy to see all the little things God put in a row
over the last month to lead me to writing a blog. I know God leading someone to
write a blog seems like not that big of a deal, but it is still pretty awesome.
If you are not impressed by that story, keep following along and hopefully
better stories and ideas will come around. I know for sure that the following
post about the first chapter of the book will show some awesome things about
God. God is a pretty amazing God if you stop to take the time to reflect upon
The following posts will be my
responses to what I read in books as well as topics in the field of education
that are on my mind as well. Hopefully this keeps up at a decent pace and I do
not make more excuses that I do not have “free time.”
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