Wednesday, May 2, 2018

A Peculiar Formation

This speech was given on April 26, 2018 at TCCS during the Legacy Challenge Fundraiser. Following this speech, Dr. Jeff Myers of Summit Ministries gave the main address.

Explicit or hidden, a message exists within any organization, group, or event.  And that those who enter into it will come away being formed in some way by the message or practices of that particular place.  

Imagine with me for a moment going through the following….

Walking into a Chik-Fil-A, you notice the cleanliness and crisp look of the interior. You go up to the counter, are immediately greeted by the employee with a smile and you order a Chicken Sandwich combo. You ask for your favorite sauce, say “thank you” and immediately are provided with a “my pleasure”.  You pay for the order, take the receipt, say thank you, and again hear a “my pleasure”. Soon, your food arrives at your table, again you say thank you and again before the words are fully out of your mouth, a “my pleasure” comes from the employee.

OR you are invited to a friends house for supper. You drive up and notice the light is on outside the house. Your friend greets you at the door with a hug and offers to take your coat.  Your coat is hung up and as you gather around the table for supper, the meal begins in prayer.

OR you go to a sporting event, maybe a football game in US Bank stadium in Minneapolis, MN.  In the time leading up to the game, there are flames are shooting up as the players run out, music is turned all the way up, the Viking horn blares loud, and the fans are chanting “SKOL” while clapping their hands over their head in unison.

Chik-Fil-A, your friend, and the Minnesota Vikings may not always tell you what they are doing, but it doesn’t take much to see what they hold in high regard and how their environments are set up to make you feel a certain way and through repeated interactions, shape who you are.

Schooling is no different.

Dr. Richard Edlin, in his book The Cause of Christian Education, states that “schooling is not and can never be neutral because schooling seeks to shape children with certain outcomes in mind of what it means to be an educated citizen [and chooses processes] that pursue those objectives” (4).

I wholeheartedly agree with Dr. Edlin.

James K. A. Smith in his book, You Are What You Love states the following as a goal of Christian Education:
“The primary goal of Christian education is the formation of a peculiar people - a people who desire the kingdom of God and thus undertake their life’s expression of that desire.”

Peculiar….not a word often used to describe our aim; but that is who we want to be: head-turning, a people who others see and ask “Why do they do that?”  “That’s odd...different...”

Glorifying God, Partnering with Parents, and Equipping Students to Transform the World for Jesus Christ. Traverse City Christian’s purpose statement explicitly states what our aim is and who our aim is for.

A purpose statement alone does not tell the story, however. A walk down the halls of this building speaks much louder...

You see a Biblical Worldview integrated within the academic excellence TCCS provides. Each subject: History, Science, Literature, Math, English are all opportunities to show students the intricacies of our creator and are invitations for them to participate in the big story of Kingdom builders here on earth.

Walk in on a Wednesday, you witness community being built through MS/HS small groups, opening the door for students to “live life” together; learning more about who each other is, and Whose we all are. You may also see K-12 Buddy days; providing opportunities for seniors to read to Kindergarten students or Seventh graders helping 1st graders decorate a pumpkin.

Step in on Mondays/Friday and see chapels allow students to be fed/challenged in their development and also Glorify God to recognize what he has done for us.

Follow the smell of donuts, muffins or coffee and be present for parent partnerships such as Donuts with Dad, Muffins with Mom or First Friday coffees.

Stay after school and see students practicing for athletics, worship team, or the musical.

And if you get really lucky, you might even see while walking down the hall a misbehaving student receiving discipline from a teacher. All while surrounded with a conversation on next steps needed to restore what was broken. A recognition of our sinful nature and a commitment to continue developing Christ-like Character development.

Leadership training
Collaboration, Critical Thinking, and Communication skills
Ministry opportunities
Vocational Calling
Christian Worldview

Where else can a child receive all of this in their most formative years except for a place like TC Christian?

As I look back…

I’m thankful for all the teachers who provided for the environment and opportunities to shape who I am. All within a consistent framework dedicated to bringing me up in the way I should go.

I’m thankful for a teacher at Edgerton Christian Grade School. Her passion and energy devoted towards students and their growth was clearly evident.

For a middle school teacher who gave me my first detention, and surrounded it with a grace filled conversation.

For a high school teacher at Southwest Christian High School who challenged me to step up and speak to a classmate in need.  

I’m also very thankful for Marlin and Karen Van Schepen, parents of 3 who decided they wanted all 3 of their boys attending a school that would partner with them in raising their kids with the same message that was instilled at home. All 3 of which are now educators within Christian school settings.

And now...I’m thankful to be a part of a school where this same type of formation occurs. A school that seeks to glorify God. A school that comes alongside parents in raising up their children. A school that seeks to equip students in such a way to transform the world for Jesus Christ. One might call that peculiar, and I would wholeheartedly agree!

Thank you for your partnership and support of this school and the greater cause of Christian Education as we all work towards furthering His kingdom here on earth!

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

3 Questions Every Child Needs Answered

We need children to be rooted in their identity, recognizing their identity is in Christ. If the following three questions are not answered within a child's life, they will wander....