Tuesday, September 5, 2017

TCCS Opening Chapel: Live Loved

The following is the outline used for the opening day chapel for MS/HS students at Traverse City Christian School on Tuesday, Sept 5, 2017.

Theme: Live Loved

Start with a simple analogy of the Gospel message:

Volunteers; 3; Each need a pencil

2nd and 3rd: break pencil

3rd: sharpen pencil

God’s intention: good pencil

Fall: broken pencil

Redemption: Jesus sent to save

Restoration: Work is ongoing, we are part of the process

How can we be a part of that restoration? 3 phrases to remember


“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!” 1 John 3:1

Response: How _______ is the  _______ that __________ lavished on ______ that _____ should be called _____ of God. 

Despite our brokenness (pencil); We have worth, we are made in God’s image, he has a plan for our life.

Everyone out loud: “Recognize God’s Love”


 “Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God” 1 Peter 2:17

Proper respect to ___________.

Parents, friends, not your friends, siblings, teachers, Mr. Van Schepen

Every interaction is an opportunity from God

Say “hi”, “Thank you”...recognize people; they are worthy and deserve your respect.

Out loud: “Respect everyone, always


In a Pit With a Lion; Story of Benaiah; P. 173

One step closer; Not living out of fear

We cannot plan for what God puts in front of us. When we see it, we need to go for it, even if chasing seems odd to others.

Seniors; big opportunities for you soon. 

Out loud: “Chase the opportunities”


Recap the 3:

Recognize God’s Love

Respect everyone, always.

Chase the opportunities

TVS Deep Hope for TCCS Students:
“A community that, despite your brokenness, recognizes God’s love for you, and in turn sees your interactions with friends, classmates, teachers, parents, siblings, and people on the street as opportunities to take a next step in restoring what is broken. “