8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD.
9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
-Isaiah 55:8-9
611 miles. One full U-Haul and three packed vehicles all in a caravan.
That was the scene in mid-June as we packed up from our previous residence in Pella, IA to settle into our new home in Traverse City, MI.
Moving to a unfamiliar setting to both my wife and I, with no personal connections for either of us, this would be a move where we would feel both excitement and anxiety in the unknown. We would be stretched, exposing ourselves to some vulnerability.
In the weeks post-move, the feelings that we anticipated and felt as we moved, uncomfortableness and vulnerability, continued popping up through conversations, books, and words from others as ways in which we as Christians are called to live. Below is a small sample of quotes, from the past two months:
In the weeks post-move, the feelings that we anticipated and felt as we moved, uncomfortableness and vulnerability, continued popping up through conversations, books, and words from others as ways in which we as Christians are called to live. Below is a small sample of quotes, from the past two months:
"Move into uncomfortable territory and seek to understand each other."
"Don't ignore people's struggles, show up for each other."
"Transparency and vulnerability as a leader opens up the same within those around you."
"Be willing to do uncomfortable things, in fact, choose to do uncomfortable things"
"We are called to bear each other's burdens, not in our free time, but in our daily lives. Part of bearing another's burden is having it be a burden for ourselves as well."
None of these are necessarily easy things to do, but as relational beings, they are, nonetheless, actions we are called to do.
We are thankful for where God has led us at this particular time in our lives! We continue to seek out the next right step as we encounter and discern God's plan.
"We need to trust God's storytelling, He has a better story than we could ever script"
-Bill Hybels
-Bill Hybels