This post is a post from a discussion forum in one of my graduate classes for Dordt College's School Leadership program. This post is from EDUC 562: Legal and Ethical Foundations in Educational Leadership.
FOCUS POINT: The Ethic of Justice
This section of reading brings up an extremely tough topic within Education. It is important to have policies and guidelines in order for a school to base decisions off of, but often times many situations almost need to be decided case by case because the circumstances can be very different. The author makes a great point by saying "children do not start out on an equal footing; and, of course, that some need more or different attention than others in acquiring an education." As Christian leaders who seek to exhibit grace and mercy, it will be tough to treat each scenario the same, as each student/parent/teacher is different and requires differing amounts of coaching and guidance.
Some thoughts about policy...policies could be written more open ended, but then there leaves much open-endedness in the interpretation of what is being stated. On the other end, if a policy is very specific, a leader is bound to specific actions. Are certain policies are better deemed more open ended and others more specific? Policy is a newer topic to me so it is definitely a learning process.