DCSM4T Module 4 Reflection
4 weeks...just like that the class is over! It went by very quick, but not without a lot of good information and learning happening along the way.
The biggest takeaway for me will be the use of Twitter. I had been on Twitter as one who took information from it, mostly following new stories or sports stories with a few education related people/organizations thrown in. All of these were mainly there for me to read up on if I felt a need to. After going through this course and learning about a PLN and finding the value in Twitterchats, I will be more of a producer on Twitter! There are so many people out there to connect with, and Twitter is a phenomenal resource to do just that, connect! I hope to continue my use of Twitter and continue to make valuable connections on it.
This blog is another tool I will commit to using. The blog provided a forced reflection :) Whenever I do sit down to think and reflect, I find it valuable, having a blog will provide more of an opportunity for that to happen and hopefully more growth results as well!
The digital footprint aspect of the course definitely made my use of social media change. I can control what I put on social media, so why not make sure there is a good footprint of me out there? With actions I can control, I need to make sure there is a good output with what I do share. Using Twitter well and posting relevant blogs will allow for a positive digital footprint.
The biggest challenge...time :) Life is full, but figuring out what priorities are will allow for the important things to get done and get done well.
Thanks #DCSM4T!